专利软著和资料(Patents and Copyright of computer software and Dataset)与国际和国内会议报告(International Conference Paper)

**计算机软件著作权:copyright of computer software 4项









**发明专利:Patent 1项

1黄刚; 王素; 一种基于气象要素的天空蓝指数确定方法及系统,2020年3月申请, 中国,专利号:ZL202010226425.X(2023年2月授予)第一发明人


**数据集:Dataset 1项


黄刚,赵桂洁. (2019). 东亚夏季风指数(1851-2021). 国家青藏高原科学数据中心, DOI: 10.11888/Meteoro.tpdc.270323. CSTR: 18406.11.Meteoro.tpdc.270323.
[HUANG Gang, ZHAO Guijie. (2019). The East Asian summer monsoon index (1851-2021). National Tibetan Plateau Data Center, DOI: 10.11888/Meteoro.tpdc.270323. CSTR: 18406.11.Meteoro.tpdc.270323. ] (下载引用: RIS格式 | RIS英文格式 | Bibtex格式 | Bibtex英文格式 )


The East Asian summer monsoon index (1851-2021)

数据下载 http://data.tpdc.ac.cn/zh-hans/data/1c0c4197-5e5d-4f0d-bd38-03dae3658a06/




**国际会议论文集:International Conference Paper List 46篇


1.      Assessment and dynamics of drought changes under carbon neutrality, Gang Huang*, The 4th Asian Conference on Meteorology(ACM)2024 A3 Foresight session ,Nov18-20, Tsukuba,Japan

2.      Critical climate issues towards carbon neutrality targets, Gang Huang*The 1st NIES-IAP young scientists symposium on atmospheric environment and climate change,july11,2024,Tsukuba,Japan

3.      Critical climate issues towards carbon neutrality targets, Gang Huang*, The 2nd workshop on the A3 Foresight Program “Networking Climate Change Research Hubs for Promoting Future Earth Over Northeast Asia”, Dec.24,2023, zhuhai, China

4.      Solving the Mystery of Summer Climate Disasters in East AsiaHuang Gang*, 2023 International Conference on Frontiers of Ocean Science and Technology (ICFOST), Changsha, China, October 13-15, 2023(Invited Talk)

5.      破解东亚夏季灾害的谜团-ENSO对东亚夏季降水的影响及其未来变化,黄刚*“东亚能量水分循环及其与季风相互作用国际研讨会”(邀请报告),2023820-25日,敦煌,中国

6.      The impact of ENSO on summer precipitation in East Asian and its future changes, Huang Gang*,2023,1st Joint Workshop on the A3 Foresight Program: Networking Climate Change Hubs for Promoting Future Earth Over Northeast Asia, Busan, Korea, Apr. 18-19

7.      The impact of ENSO on East Asian summer rainfall and its future changeHuang Gang*2022 International Conference on Sea-Air Interaction and Climate Dynamics, ChangshaP.R. ChinaNov19-21,(Invited Talk)

8.      The Definition, Variations, Reasons, and Forecast of Blue Days, Huang Gang* etc International year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development -- International Forum for Basic Sciences in Climate Changes and Sustainable Development, Nov 22st – 26th, 2022, Beijing  (Invited Talk)

9.      Solving the Mystery of Summer Climate Disasters in East AsiaHuang Gang*International Training Course on Marine Scientific Research in the South China Sea online22-26Agust 2022China and ASEAN Member States (AMS) young Scientisthttp://scs.fio.com.cn/Training2022(Invited Talk)

10.   The impact of ENSO on summer precipitation in East Asia and its future changes Huang Gang*2021 China-Thailand Symposium on Decadal Change of Climate Extremes in Southeast Asian RegiononlineDec 6, 2021(Invited report)

11.   Distinct global warming rates tied to multipleocean surface temperature changes, Huang Gang* etc, The 5th China-Thailand Joint Conference on Climate change,27-29 Nov,2017, Chiangmai, Thailand

12.   A New Circulation Index for the East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability, Huang Gang* etc, The 13th ‘General Circulation Model Simulations of the East Asian Climate' (EAC) workshop’- East Asian Climate under Global Warming: Understanding and Projection, 24-25 March, 2016,Beijing,China  (Invited Speakers )

13.   A New Dynamical Index for the East Asian Summer Monsoon, Huang Gang* etc, Second International Symposium on Climate and Earth System Modeling, Oct.15-16, 2015, Nanjing  (Invited)

14.   The impact of ENSO on Northwest Pacific summer climate simulated in CMIP5 models, Huang Gang*, Ocean-atmospheric dynamics in the changing climate, 2015.12.10-12.12 , Climate Atmosphere Science and Physical Oceanography (CASPO), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA

15.   A New Upper-level Circulation Index for the East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability, Huang Gang* etc, 'Recent and expected climate change along the Chinese coastal zones’ workshop, Sept.10-11, 2015,Qingdao (Invited)

16.   Indian Ocean air-sea interaction and its climate effectsHuang Gang*Public Seminar, Curtin University Australia, 9 April 2015, Perth, Australia (invited talk)

17.          Coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics of global warming, Huang Gang*,The 12th NIMR-IAP Joint Research Workshop, 1-5 Apr.2014, Jeju-do, Korea (Invited)

18.   Spatial and temporal variations of light rain events over China and the mid-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, Huang Gang*, Workshop on Climate Change and Urban Adaptation Science and Practice: Exploring the Challenges8-15 December 2013Raglan, New Zealand (Invited)

19.   Ocean’s Role in Regional Climate Change under Global Warming, Huang Gang*, Beijing Symposium on Global Change 2013(Global Change and Sustainable Development),23-25 Sept,2013,Beijing ,China

20.   Equatorward shift of the South Asian high in response to anthropogenic forcing,Gang Huang* and Xia Qu, Physical Processes in outer and near-earth space and XII Young scientists’ Conference (BSFP-2013), Sep 9 – 14, 2013, Irkutsk,Russia (Invited)

21.   Equatorward shift of the South Asian high in response to anthropogenic forcing, Gang Huang* etc, the Third Korea-China Joint Symposium,2-6 May 2013 in Guilin, China (Invited)

22.   An Enhanced Influence of Tropical Indian Ocean on the South Asia High after the Late 1970sGang Huang* etc, International Workshop on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction, 13-16 May 2013 in Toulouse, France.

23.   The Decadal Change in the Relation Between ENSO and WNP/EA Summer Climate in CMIP5 Simulation, Gang Huang* etc, Workshop on IAP and Met-office Jan15-Jan182013, UK  (Invited)

24.   Decadal change in the impact of summer Indian Ocean SST anomaly on the western North Pacific summer monsoons in the late 1970s,Gang Huang*, Workshop on Variability in the Western Tropical Pacific: Mechanisms, Teleconnectio-ns and Impacts on Sub-Seasonal, Inter-Annual and Inter-Decadal Time Scales, Nov. 12 – Nov.16., ICTP, Italy, 2012

25.   An enhanced influence of tropical Indian Ocean on the South Asia High after the late 1970s, Gang Huang*, The first workshop of the weather and climate in East-south Asia, Aug.2012,chuxiong,Yunnan Province, China

26.   Interannual variability in East Asian climate and its association with tropical Indian Ocean conditions in CMIP5 models, Gang Huang*, The 11th IAP-NIMR Joint Research Workshop, Beijing, May2012,China (Invited)

27.   Interannual variability in East Asian climate and its association with tropical Indian Ocean conditions in CMIP5 modelsGang Huang*, Kaiming Hu, Xia Qu, WCRP Workshop on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase5 (CMIP5) Model Analysis, Mar5-9, 2012, Hawaii, IPRC,U.S.A

28.   The Impact of Indian Ocean variability on high temperature extremes across south of Yangtze River Valley in late summer: Gang Huang*, Kaiming Hu, The China-Korea Joint Workshop on the East Asian Monsoon Variability, Apr. 4- 8 ,2011,Guangzhou (Invited)

29.   Strengthening of tropical Indian Ocean teleconnection to the Northwest Pacific since the mid-1970s:An atmospheric GCM study: Gang Huang*, Kaiming Hu, Shang-ping Xie, Proceedings of the 10th NIMR-IAP Joint Research Workshop, Oct.28-29 ,2010, ByeonSan, Jeolla-do,Korea,PP59 (Invited)

30.   Threatening of climate change on water resources and supply: case study of northwest China: Cui, X.; Huang, G.; Chen, W.; Morse, A.EGU2008-A-01959, EGU General Assembly 2008

31.   Impact of Summer Indian Ocean SST variability on Asian Monsoon: Gang Huang*, Kaiming Hu, 2008 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Number: 49, Cairns, Australia, 29 July - 1 August 2008

32.   Long persistence of El Nino-induced Indian Ocean warming: Role of air-sea interaction: Yan Du, Shang-ping Xie, G. Huang, K.M.Hu, 2008 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Number: 263, Cairns, Australia, 29 July - 1 August 2008

33.   Indian Ocean capacitor effect: El Nino's long grip on the Asian-western Pacific summer monsoon, Shang-Ping Xie, K.M.Hu, J.Hafner, Y.Du, G. Huang, H.Tokinaga, 2008 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Number: 261(invited), Cairns, Australia, 29 July - 1 August 2008

34.   Impact of Summer Indian Ocean SST variability on Asian Monsoon: Differences between North and South, Huang Gang* and Hu kaiming,42, Joint Conference on the 6th International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System (ISAM6) and the 9th East Asian Climate Workshop (EAC9), 10-13 December,2007 ACROS Fukuoka, Japan

35.   Differences between the NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 reanalysis data over East Part of ChinaHuang Gang*The 5th International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System (ISAM5),11-15 october,2005, Korea

36.   The Variability of the Wind System Circulating round the West Side of the Tibetan Plateau and Its Relation to the Asian-African Summer MonsoonHuang Gang* and Johnny C.L .Chan, IAMAS 2005, Beijing

37.   An Index meansuring the international variation of the East Asian summer monsoon-The EAP index, Gang Huang*, The Fourth International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System(ISAM4),Kunming,China,2004, 24-29May

38.   Interannual Variations of the Summer Monsoon over China, Huang Gang*, International workshop on climate variability in Asian Monsoon Region: Past to Future, 2-4 Dec 2003, Bangkok, Thailand (Invited report)

39.   Further Study about A 20-member Ensemble Simulation with An AGCM forced by Observed SSTs, Huang Gang*, Shang-Ping, Xie and Shinji Matsumura ,The Third International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System(ISAM3) ,December 11-14, 2001, Nago, Okinawa, Japan

40.   A 20-members ensemble simulation using CCSR/NIES AGCM forced by observed SST, Huang Gang* etc. Challenges of A Changing Earth, 10-13 July,2001 Amsterdam, Netherlands

41.   The study of NAO by using a 20-member Ensemble Simulation by CCSR/NIES AGCM, Huang Gang*, The Fifth Atmospheric Dynamics academic meeting, April, 2001. Yang Zhou

42.   About Ensemble simulation using CCSR/NIES AGCM, Huang Gang*, International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) seminarHawaii, USA, Dec30,2000

43.   North China and North Africa Drought in Global Viewpoint, Huang Gang*, The Second International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System (ISAM2), Cheju, Korea, March 27-31, 2000

44.   The Climate Background of the Drought in North China and Dry in Yellow River, Huang Gang*, The meeting of “The Climate and the Continual Development”; Taipei, Taiwan, 1999.6, 51-55

45.   The Relationship between the East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation Anomaly and the climatic Variation over China and Korea. Huang Gang*, Yan Zhongwei, Baek-Jo Kim, Proceedings of International Conference on the Variability and Predictability of the Asian Monsoon (ICAM), September22-26, 1998, Xian, China, 26-29

46.   Interannual Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon associated with the thermal states of the tropical Pacific, Ren Baohua, Huang Ronghui, Huang Gang, Proceedings of International Conference on the Variability and Predictability of the Asian Monsoon (ICAM), September 22-26,1998, XiAn, China, 258-262

47.   The East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation Anomaly Index and the Interannual Variation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon, Huang Gang*, Yan Zhongwei, International Conference on Monsoon and hydroloic Cycle, Kyongju, Korea, 22-25, April, 1998, 236-241

48.      The Study of East Asian Summer Monsoon strength index and the relationship with East Asian summer monsoon interannual variability, Huang Gang*, The fourth Atmospheric Dynamics academic meeting, Sept.1997, WuYi Mountain, Fujian


1. 一个新的东亚夏季风急流指数,黄刚,2016 兩岸气象合作台风暴雨学术研讨会,120-22日,台湾高雄(特邀报告, 30分钟)

2.  Orographically Anchored El Nino Effect on Summer Rainfall in Central China, 黄刚,2019两岸台风暴雨及短期气候学术研讨会,2019119-23日,(特邀报告,30分钟)



1 黄刚,全球变暖是忽悠吗? 2015年5月17日 中国科学院第11届公众科学日科普报告

2 黄刚,全球变暖?  2016年4月13日 中关村第四小学二年级科普报告


1.       碳中和背景下的关键气候动力学问题,黄刚,2024年亚洲低碳技术和创新大会暨第四届碳中和与绿色发展大会,大连,1114-16日,大连,中国,分会特邀

2.       人工智能在气象科学中的应用与思考,黄刚,第二届“智能+气象海洋预报保障”论坛,大会特邀报告,918-20日,长沙

3.       人工智能在气候科学中的应用与思考,黄刚,第二届地球系统数值模拟科学大会,118-9日,2024,密云,北京,分会特邀

4.       人工智能在气候科学中的应用与思考,黄刚, 2024气候变化科学大会 ―― 人工智助力气候变化研究与应对 分会场,上海,1030-111日中国,分会特邀

5.       2024616日,人工智能在气象科学中的应用(特邀),黄刚,天津市海洋环境与安全保障重点实验室,天津大学海洋科学与海洋科技学院

6.       2024616日,碳中和目标下的关键气候动力学问题(特邀),黄刚,天津大学地球科学学院

7.       2024615日,人工智能在气象科学中的应用(特邀),黄刚,中国民航大学(天津)

8.       2023,113-4日,碳中和背景下的干旱变化评估和动力学研究(特邀报告),黄刚,第三届中国西部大气科学发展及战略研讨会,兰州

9.       20230217 黄刚,国家杰出&优秀青年科学基金申报经验交流,中山大学海洋科学讲座,线上,特邀报告

10.    20221126日,黄刚,蓝天的定义、变化、模拟及影响,IYBSSD大会议程完整版| 气候环境变化与可持续发展国际论坛,线上,特邀

11.    2022422日,黄刚,ENSO对东亚夏季降水的影响及其未来变化,南京信息工程大学2022年科技活动月——龙山环境论坛(第40期),线上,特邀报告

12.    20201126日至27日,全球变暖背景下高低排放对海洋吸热的影响(特邀报告),黄刚,兰州大学半干旱气候变化教育部重点实验室2020年度实验室发展战略研讨会,兰州

13.  2019年11月21日,黄刚,西北太平洋反气旋的前世今生和未来,中山大学海洋科学学术讲座,珠海,特邀

14.    201958日,黄刚,东亚夏季降水年际预测再认识——地形作用,南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,南京,特邀

15.    2017720-21,黄刚,全球变暖与海洋的调控,季风与极端气候事件研讨会,兰州,

16.    20171111-12, 黄刚,全球变暖的不同阶段海洋的贡献及其与碳排放的关系,复旦大学大数据研究院碳排放与环境大数据研究所成立仪式暨学术研讨会,上海,

17.    20171026-27,黄刚,近百年以来热带海温的多年代际变化及其对全球变暖的贡献,第四届青年科学家论坛(邀请报告),杭州

18.    20141110日,黄刚,印度洋增暖及其对东亚夏季气候的影响,浙江大学地球科学学院,杭州,特邀