- Prof. Gang Huang's Homepage (黄刚个人主页)
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- SCI杂志链接(SCI journal link)
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- SCI(海洋及环境能源)链接3(SCI journal link3)
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- 招生培养(Admissions to cultivate)
- 奥运区俯视图(实时,监测污染情况等)View of the Olympic area
- WIKI开放写作计划(Open writing program)
- 课题组相关文件等(Relevant documents of the subject group, etc.)
- 永远怀念我的老师叶笃正先生(Forever remembering my teacher Prof. Ye Duzheng)
引用情况(Reference case)
入选Essential Science Indicators(ESI)全球地球科学领域科学家排名前1%高引用科学家目录,
入选气候变化研究领域全球最具影响力的1000位科学家名单(英国路透社The Reuters);
入选2020-2023全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(美国斯坦福大学World's Top 2% Scientists );
Google Scholar of Huang Gang (Google被引数13325次,H指数55)
http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OabEWb0AAAAJ&hl=en 或者
Researchgate of Huang Gang: (Web of Science)
SCI被引10864次(Web of Science)
Scopus Author ID: 57204798521